Monday, December 19, 2011


We went over and opened presents with Dave and Annette last night since we will be spending Christmas in AZ with my family. Ian got this car track and it has been a hit for sure! (except Howie isn't sure what he thinks of it)

Every time the cars get close to the tunnel Ian yells, "Tiiiiiiiiiiiii-dddduuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnellll!" ("TIME TUNNEL!" from dinosaur train)

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Been a LONG Time...

    Okay. It's been a LONG time since I last blogged. So long, in fact, that I imagine I could probably write all my little secrets on this here blog and no one would even ever know them. Lessee.....a secret to tell......Well, the other day I was standing in my living room when, all the sudden...okay, that one is too juicy to tell just in the off chance that someone actually is checking up on me :)
   Here's the question on everybody's mind at this moment: What could have happened to wake Brytani from her blogging slumber? And I am going to answer that one, real soon, but first I have to say what put me into the coma. I got a little behind, and then I got a lot behind, and I got all anxious about how much I had to post, and then I got all sweaty in my palms and clammy and it was just easier to not think about the blog. BUT, every now and then, the little stinker of a blog would pop into my head and nag me about not keeping a good record of my children. Every so often a moment so beautiful that I would never want to forget it would come around, and I would think, "I need to blog this!" and then I would get all guilty, clammy, sweaty, yada yada yada, and file it away to be done when "I catch up". I may still catch up, and randomly post things from the last year that have happened while I have been sitting out of blogland, but for now, to rid myself of the anxiety, I am starting fresh.
       So fresh and so clean, clean.
                      I couldn't resist.

   We had a pretty good day today. The kids did several things that made me laugh {a lot}. We finally had one of the days I have been wishing we could have again. The kind where I am not crazy all day and they actually think their Mommy is a cool one :)
(This is Ian today after he found a hidden present in my room and brought it out to me saying "Ah-ha!")

 While our day went well, and we had fun, the real reason I wanted to blog was because tonight I had one of those moments I was talking about a minute ago, one of those ones that is so precious I don't want to forget it.
      I had just put Morgan to bed, and we had successfully gotten through her entire bedtime routine without me feeling like I was losing my mind (thanks to Morgan's suggestion that we ride the Dinosaur Train- we all climbed aboard the train to get us from the bathroom for brushing teeth to the bookshelf and finally all passengers had to exit the locomotive at bedtime station, Toot Toot!) and I was feeling pretty good about FINALLY having a "good mom day" again and enjoying my kids and making memories when I was sitting at the table, looking at some of the ads with Ian. He kept pointing to juice and getting excited, and he was really excited about the ice cream on sale at Smiths, and then he just laid his little head against my neck and whispered, "Love ya" Actually, he said, "Yuv ya" :)
   It was the first time he's ever said it and I don't want to ever forget that tender moment when I was doing something so tedious with my little bug and he felt like it was a good moment to speak up and say he loved me. We sat there for several minutes, me whispering to him that I loved him, and him whispering it back,"Yuv ya"
  You would think I would be used to my heart swelling up like the Grinch's does by now, but it still surprises me when my throat tightens up and I feel like my heart is going to burst from my chest with all the love it has for these two little angels. I love them so much and complicating it with more words sometimes seems like it loses its simple message that Ian expressed in just a soft whisper. Sometimes you don't need a lot of words. Sometimes, you just need, "Love ya."