Thursday, January 31, 2013


In our house, if somebody yells "Bummer!" it's not what you'd usually think. Nobody is upset and something didn't usually just go wrong. It's actually more of a war's what we yell when we are gonna rub our bums on somebody. It's hilarious and I love it. And if you hear it, you better get running, or else you gonna get bummered. Boo-ya.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Lucky Girl

It feels like forever since I have written anything, but I just needed to take a quick minute to say how incredibly blessed I am. I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old who play nicely every single morning so that Mommy can sleep a little longer. And then I am able to wake up to the soft sounds of my brand new baby, and they are happy sounds, because he is just content to wake up on his own and kick his feet and just be happy. I get to spend time with him, talking to him and loving on him before I get up and spend the day with the 4 people who make me more happy than anything else in the world.
It has just been one of those weeks where every time I turn around I am reminded of how happy I am. What can I say, I'm one lucky girl.