Friday, May 22, 2009

I Can't Believe She is Old Enough to do THIS

I just feel like my little girl is getting so old. I was painting her toenails and the way I always get her to sit still long enough for them to dry is I tell her she can't go running off till we sing some songs. So, we sang a few songs, then I started to sing the ABC's and she said, "NO Mom, I do it!" (granted she gets a bit distracted toward the end, but lets all remember she is only 27 months old!)

Friday, May 15, 2009

How do I Love thee Summer, let me count the ways!

I am a summer girl, inside and out!!! JD is always saying he wants to move someplace cold, like Idaho (gasp) or even Wyoming (double gasp), but I am having NO PART in that, because I LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!

Reasons to love the summer? Oh I do say, I will tell you them:
1. The satisfaction and glee of looking at your thriving garden!

2. Playtime in the pool!

"Here Jaff, get yo toy!"

Giraffe kisses!

3. Watching your turtle, Bernardo Antonio, who has not been outside in 9 months try to climb into your garden.

4. Then watching him fall on his rump!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Night Out!

JD and I went to a Trace Adkins concert last weekend with my parents, it was SO fun! There just really isn't any feeling quite like when they pump up the bass and your body is saying, "Ahhh what is going on?" And your mind is saying, "Oh so excited! Its starting!"

Waiting for Trace Adkins to come out...seems to take forever!


After the concert.We had so much fun! Thanks for the Tickets Mom and Dad!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

To Give is Far Better Than to Receive!

Here I was, average day, just doing the dishes while Morgan is forced to entertain herself because of my new cutback on TV time. When, lo and behold, one of the cutest moments of my motherhood happened:

Morgan came in and started "doing the dishes" in her kitchen, which is pretty normal when I am doing dishes. She goes through a whole routine, and has to have a little bit of real water in her fake sink, and she has to have a towel to dry after she has washed (dunked the dish in the sink.) Well, I had no clean dish towels (I know I know) so I gave her a paper towel.

After a few minutes of that, she disappeared behind our kitchen curtains. This too is pretty normal, and I silently bless her when she does it because she usually spends at least 15 minutes back there just looking at things in the backyard and quietly watching the dog and such. Well, before I knew it, she was tugging on my pant leg.

So, thinking to myself that was not nearly as long of a quiet sabbatical as I usually get, I looked down to see what she wanted. And that was when she handed me what I thought was just a wadded up paper towel. But then she said,

"Mom, I wrap it up. A present. Present for Mommy"

It wasn't much, it was actually a piece of an egg carton that I save cause they are handy to put her finger paint in. Anyhow, she continued to wrap up "presents" for me and bring them to me all through me doing the dishes. It was just so sweet. And the kick she got out of the whole thing was even better!

Monday, May 4, 2009

So Long My Good Friends...

Who do most people turn to when they've had a bad day?
A friend.
Who do they turn to when they are bored?
A friend.
Who do they turn to when they want to get away?
A friend.

Who do I turn to when I've had a bad day?
Ice Cream.
Who do I turn to when I am bored?
Who do I turn to when I want to get away?
Candy Candy CANDY!

Tomorrow is my first Weight Watchers meeting, so I just gotta say:
Old friends, I have loved you, and BOY will I miss you but you gotta go! So long you stomach stretchers, I'm moving on!