Monday, February 22, 2010

365 Days of Photos

Hey guys! I just read this really cool idea online, and I have decided I AM DOING IT. Yep, a whole year's worth of photos...its kind of a commitment but I figure, one photo a day? I can handle that.
So, here's the jist: Every day for the next year, I am going to be taking pictures and documenting one photo for every day. I might put in a small snippet here and there, but its mostly going to be less talk and more pictures!
Just to ensure I am not boring everyone who is interested in our family stuff (but not necessarily my stuff) with all of this, I am going to start a new blog that is devoted to the 365 photos.
Why am I telling you this? Because I was thinking HOW FUN WOULD IT BE if I was not the only one taking this journalling challenge? SO, if you are interested, I think it would be the tops to have a blog that has like, a MILLION administrators, and we can all get on and post our photos of the day :) We can just title them with out names and the number of the photo (ex. Brytani- day 247)
Anyhow, I am going to get this thing up and running by Friday (I am having such a hard time waiting cause I got the coolest picture of Morgan today, but I want friends to be on schedule with me soooooo I am just gonna keep the cool one for myself I suppose) Anyhow, if you're interested, and not a commitment chicken, leave a comment and we will get the new blog up and running at top speed!

Friday, February 19, 2010

What We've Been Up To:

Most of our time lately has been spent preparing for the new baby. It has been so fun to involve Morgan in the whole process! She is getting so excited for "Baby Brother" to come out and join our family. (Well, a kid in our ward told her his baby brother "broke open" his mom's belly to come out, so she is slightly worried about that, but besides that she's excited!)

While we were going through a bag of clothes given to us (I cannot begin to say thank you enough to everyone who gave us things...I don't know HOW IN THE WORLD people afford to have more kids without having wonderful friends and neighbors!) Anyhow...while we were going through a bag of clothes she had to try on EVERY single baby hat. Maybe eventually one will fit...
She kept holding up the socks and saying, "Ohhh, so tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny!"
This picture is when I caught her trying to wriggle into a pair of 0-3 month pants. Hahaha.

And finally, she LOVES these baby shoes. She says they are "Baby Brother's Blue's Clues Shoes"

So, eventually, I am sure this kid will decide its time to come out. I only have to wash the carseat and we are ready for him. Guess I'll get on top of that one tomorrow :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Random, I know.

I know this is random, but it sure made me smile. Here's the story:
JD went looking for something to eat for lunch in our house, which is currently pretty bare. (We just need one of those huge shopping trips that all moms dread) He opens the fridge and says, "We don't even have cheese!" Then, I remember a while back he was saying how much he likes celery and peanut butter, so I mentioned it. His response was to bring this out:

Its celery. Celery gone so rubbery it looks like a house plant.
Still makes me laugh.