There are some people I feel deserve a HUGE thank you for their contribution to society, and even though they are long gone, they make my life easier everyday!
1. The McKiver Brothers: These guys invented play-doh as a wallpaper cleaner, then realized it made a great toy, and ended up making millions by their mid-twenties. Without Play-doh, I think I'd lose my mind!
2. Edwin Binney: The founder of Crayola. Enough said.
3. Chemtoy: (so this last one is a whole company, but still) Chemtoy was the first company to manufacture bubbles with a wand. Seriously, bubbles have the amazing ability to make any crying kid happy, especially mine!
So yes, I may have spent ten minutes of my day researching who did all this stuff, but I figure its the least I can do to actually give these guys some credit, considering I owe them my mind and all.
I love those dead guys too! Thanks for doing all the research for me. Did you get an address to send the thank you card to?...
Oh Bryt, you are the best. If you were dead, I would say the same thing about you. But please don't die.
I LOVE IT!!! I couldn't agree with you more!
Morgan's hair is way cute in the top pic!
I think I like most of the book, there is a lot of preparation and a lot depends on the child and you for the outcome...but I think the general idea is what worked for us...but then again, hes not potty trained yet!
Wow I didn't know Mrs. Britney was so insightful. Wonderful!
Just know that Morgan will be ok! My kids can behave themselves around others, I promise! lol
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