Friday, May 15, 2009

How do I Love thee Summer, let me count the ways!

I am a summer girl, inside and out!!! JD is always saying he wants to move someplace cold, like Idaho (gasp) or even Wyoming (double gasp), but I am having NO PART in that, because I LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!

Reasons to love the summer? Oh I do say, I will tell you them:
1. The satisfaction and glee of looking at your thriving garden!

2. Playtime in the pool!

"Here Jaff, get yo toy!"

Giraffe kisses!

3. Watching your turtle, Bernardo Antonio, who has not been outside in 9 months try to climb into your garden.

4. Then watching him fall on his rump!



Jeff, Kimberly, & Liam said...

How long ago did you plant your garden? Did you plant by seed or put in pregrown plants? We did ours about 2 weeks ago by seed and are seeing little plants coming up.

Alicia said...

Great job on the garden!!!
Morgan looks sooo old...I can't wait to see you guys soon!
?I didn't even know you still had your turtle? hehe

RHulsey said...

Ha those are all great reasons! If JD tries to take you someplace cold I will kidnap you away. But then you would be in super hot Mesa land, so maybe just keeping warm cuddling with your hubby in freezing place. But, anyways, you are the coolest.

Brittany said...

(1) Way to go Bryt! Awesome garden! (2) I want a turtle!!! How awesome is that?? (3) My boys wanna come play with Morgan.