Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who woulda guessed?

As a mom, I try to remember to do fun and exciting things with Morgan every now and again. They are usually what I blog about.
The good days.
Today was good, but I have nothing exciting to report. I have no colorful pictures to post.
But I do have a story I never want to forget.

Here we are, driving along in the car (why do all the good stories always happen in the car?) and Morgan has been quiet for a while. I am starting to worry a little about her falling asleep in the middle of the evening she's been quiet so long. I guess she was just reflecting on our day because she says,

"Mom, thank you for helping me crack that egg."

What? Huh? Oh yeah...that egg I let her crack at 8 o'clock this morning for breakfast. It's 7:00 now...I'm thinking, "What made her think of that?" And then I realized I can do all the big giant fantastic things in the world that I want and I am sure she will remember some of them. But it sure doesn't hurt our relationship to let her crack an egg every once in a while either :)


Jason and Jerry said...

That is so cute! I love it!

RHulsey said...

That is really neat.

Alicia said...

It is really amazing!! You never know what your kids will say or remember.