Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Feeling Pretty Good

    Besides the fact that it is almost 11 and I am stinkin' tired, we are feeling pretty good! We went up to SLC for an appointment to get an echocardiogram done on Ian's heart at Primary Children's Hospital and the test showed that he has a bicuspid aortic valve with mild aortic stenosis. Which (in English) means that most people's aortic valve has 3 (tricuspid) flaps that open and close to allow and restrict blood flow, but that Ian only has 2. And since he only has 2, the flaps do not open as completely as they would otherwise, which causes the blood to come through at a higher pressure.
    Accompanying the bicuspid valve, is mild aortic stenosis, which means his aorta narrows slightly at the valve, which also causes the blood to have to come through at a higher pressure. BUT, the good news, is that it is classified as mild stenosis and is currently only coming through at 20 mmHg and we don't need to worry about it until it comes through at 60 mmHg, which doesn't happen quickly :)
   What happens from here? Ian will need to see a cardiologist annually for testing to make sure the stenosis hasn't gotten more severe and to monitor the progress of the rate of pressure that his blood is going through the valve. The doctor said the biggest difference for Ian versus other children is that he might not be able to play contact sports like football, hockey, or wrestling. But I figure if that's the most we have to worry about, I can handle that!
  All in all, I am feeling very good. I am so thankful that it is such a mild case and that he is still such a healthy boy. Yes, there are a few things it sounds like we will always need to be concerned about, but I am so glad it didn't end up being anything serious!


Jordan & Rhonda said...

I'm so glad that things aren't way bad for little Ian. We will keep in our prayers. I have actually been thinking about you lots and hoping things were okay with Ian but I am lame and forget to text ya. I love you guys lots!

Jordan & Rhonda said...

**I was supposed to say "Keep Him in our prayers** :)

Ilene said...

:) I'm happy to hear that this is good news! I hope your "vacation" went well and that it wasn't too stressful on the little guy.