Friday, November 21, 2008

I know, I know

Okay, so I KNOW how silly some of you think the Twilight series is, but I had to take a moment to just say I loved the movie. I read all the books, and there was very little I was disappointed in, which doesn't happen very often if I have read the book before seeing the movie. There were a few things that didn't quite mesh with the book, but I think they did an AWESOME job keeping the sap out(there is some sap, how could there not be? BUT, it is good sappy not oh puke me sappy) and the action in. JD (who absolutely hated my reading of those books, he says not every husband can be like Edward and I sure as heck better not expect it) Anyhow, JD liked it! He even said it was the best movie we've seen in a while! So that, on its own, should be a testament to the movie's like-ability. I won't go on forever, but I loved the guy that plays Jasper, he just cracked me up. The other thing? The high school crowd was just perfect...totally nailed the Forks high school experience. Well, I will let you all enjoy it for yourselves, but I recommend it to everyone!
Just one quick disclaimer: I went into the movie with low expectations because I have been seriously disappointed by books gone movie before. SO, on that note, if you are expecting it to be AS good as the book, I think you may want to rethink that standpoint. But, if you are just going to see a good flick, its a good one!


Lindsay said...

Ryan and JD will definitely have something to discuss! Ryan just read Twilight and so he didn't like the movie at all because he was really bothered by the places where it didn't hold true to the book and the places where crucial story was cut. I can't decide on my overall opinion. I definitely didn't love it though.

I thought your comment about it being less sappy than the book was interesting because Bella's teenage love sick sappiness really bothered me in the book...but I almost felt like to movie needed more of it to develop their characters and the Edward/Bella relationship- I didn't buy into it in the movie like I did while reading it.

I'm going to be seeing it again next weekend and think that a second go around will help me decide how I'd actually rate it overall.

Alicia said...

You are so funny...I haven't even read the books, but everyone says how amazing they are...maybe I will jump on the bandwagon!
Love Ya

Jordan & Rhonda said...

Oh man I really want to see it and im glad you liked it because i've heard some negative things about it and I don't want it to be bad.

RHulsey said...

I'm just super excited for our girl date!!!

Jenny said...

I am so excited you liked the movie, I am going to see if tomorrow on Thanksgiving! hee hee! Oh did you ever go and see James Bond??

RHulsey said...

I want to see it again