Thursday, December 18, 2008

WHY do I do this to myself?????

Aghhh, it seems like the last week before Christmas is always the same for me. I just get myself involved in so many little projects, or big projects, and I end up crafting till I get a headache! That or we get our family Christmas pictures and I have dark circles under my eyes from late night sewing/hot gluing/painting/staining/etc etc ETC. And this year I took on an unusually large amount of projects because I figured we would save loads if I made most of our gifts this year. Which begs the question, which is more expensive, store bought gifts, or a stay in an asylum????


Alicia said...

That's hilarious, and I know what you mean!!! Good luck, but if you want are more than welcome to bring it with you and I can help.

RHulsey said...

But didn't beating me at scrabble feel so so good?

STUFF said...

you crafter you....just breath and remember that next year you're ganna cut back. Well...realistically in a year from now you will think it wasn't that bad. You'll even think -I can do it again. At least, that's how it is for me. Good luck. :)

Melody said...

Yeah...I do the same torture to myself but I am way behind.