Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We Made it Through!

Today was Morgan's dental surgery, and the whole thing went really well! I had a small breakdown when I had to sign a form that stated I would not sue the dentist, anesthesiologist, or facility in the event that Morgan didn't wake up from the anesthesia. (What Mom wouldn't have a hard time with the chance, regardless how small, that your baby might not wake up?) Needless to say, I was really nervous for the whole thing, and am so thankful for priesthood blessings and the peace they can bring to a worried mother's heart!
Morgan is just amazing. She really just rolls with the punches, I could stand to learn a lot from my sweet little girl! When she had to change into the gown and hair cap and all that jazz she just took it right from the nurse and started having fun. (I'm sure the fact that the first thing they did when we came in was open a big drawer full of every kind of stuffed animal ever created didn't hurt Morgan's impression of the place)
Anyhow, when the anesthesiologist came in and picked her up, she seemed a little surprised, but didn't cry at all as he carried her out of the "parent/child separation" room and took her into the O.R. I am thankful for that most of all I think, because if she would have been scared and crying as they carried her away, I would have had a really hard time for that hour in the waiting room.

The hardest part of the ordeal was when they came out and said she was awake and alert but that she was pretty upset and that we still couldn't see her for another 15 minutes. I just kept imagining I could hear my screaming baby and it really hurt to know I couldn't do anything to help.

But, eventually they took us back, and I had to hold the poor girl down for another 15 minutes because she kept trying to rip the IV out of her arm. Besides that little set back, everything really went fantastic.

She is so brave, and I realize a lot of it is just her being naive to what happens in a hospital, but I couldn't help but swell with pride every time a nurse or doctor would comment on what a great personality she has.

I am so glad to have her, and so thankful that my Heavenly Father blessed me with her!

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Knight in Shining Armor

Before I go into the whole point of this post, I wanted to inform everybody I also posted a little something about Morgan just before this, and I know only the most recent posts show up in everyone's blogger update list thingy, so I am just telling everybody to check that one out too :)
And now, onto the cornyness:
I don't really know what has been my deal lately. I think I have just used these ridiculous allergies as an easy-out, and I have just been using them as my excuse for all the things I have let get out of control. And yes, while they make me miserable, I have just been in a funk. A real bad one.
My house has seriously gotten out of control, I feel like Primary has been a complete mudslide the last couple of months (with me at the bottom of the horrendous thing), and I hate to admit Morgan has had more TV time than Mom time. Oh man, and now here come the tears.
I am not going to go into too much detail about all the many things I feel like I have been neglecting, because that is not why I got on here today.
I didn't get on here to blog about all my little problems, there have been far too many of those posts on our blog recently. I got on here to blog about JD, and how much he really saves me sometimes.
This morning, I got up with the same attitude I've had everyday for the past month or so: There are a million things to be done, but its all past the point of help, so I just won't do any of it. Then,trying to muster some motivation, I started to clean up some of Morgan's toys (purposely avoiding the kitchen because it was the worst) and JD, I don't know if it was Heavenly Father just pushing him in the right direction as an answer to my unsaid prayers or if it just so happened that he really does know me a lot better than I give him credit for, but anyway, he walked right past me and my pathetic attempts to clean and went right to the dirty stuff. He did the dishes. He filed, shredded, and recycled all the mail and bills from the last month that I have just let stack up. He cleaned out our refrigerator. He did it all without complaining.
I cannot even begin to describe the difference a clean house has made in my mood. Its like somehow, he knew what would fix me. I give him a lot of crap for not showering me with compliments and running to recognize when I do something I should be doing anyway, but its his unsaid, quiet actions that show me what love really is.
Sometimes I wonder if Heavenly Father gives me these phases of my life to remind me that I'm not in charge, and sometimes I really do need help. Then I love the moment when I gain the sweet realization that Heavenly Father has also sent me the help I need, in the form of my wonderful, eternal, always-all-mine husband.


I distinctly remember a time several years ago when I spent probably a half hour, maybe 45 minutes perched on a tree limb that was only, oh 15 foot high (and thats a stretch), trying to talk myself into taking the 15 foot plunge (gigantic I know) on a rope swing into a swimming hole. There's a whole history to why exactly I am such a weenie, but we won't go into that. BUT, I can now testify that weenieness is not something genetic, because I am always finding my daughter in places like this, with a huge grin like this, saying, "I crazy Mom!"

Yes, she is indeed only 3 foot in the air. Hey, at least she is climbing the furniture to get to a book and not oh, a permanent marker. Those wonderful points aside, I would like you all to look at what she chose to drag over to use to climb onto our bookshelf. A ROCKING HORSE! Hmmm, if you were looking for something to stand on to gain access to that hard to reach planter shelf do you think YOU would choose something with the word rocking in its very title? Ummm no. Just my self proclaimed crazy daughter. Oh wait, let me ammend that before I get corrected, she's a "crazy big girl". Regardless of what exactly she is, we can all agree she's CRAZY!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just a Moment of Weakness

I have to admit I feel like my April Fool's Post has come back to bite me big time. The whole idea for the April Fool's thing came from the fact that at that point I really did have a terrible cold and thought it would rock to make light of it. Well, I have realized that the horrible hate-everything-about- it cold I had, which seriously is kicking my butt like nothing else, is allergies. Which I have to say is the worst news ever for several reasons.
First of all, NOTHING works. Zyrtec? Thumbs down. Claritin? Big thumbs down. Benadryl? Sure it works till I fall asleep standing up.
Secondly, I don't think anything has EVER put more stress on my marriage than my complete inability to do anything. Seriously, no one ever told me that allergies sap your energy right from your bones and then hit your house like a tornado. I can't help but whine, it seems like every time I stand up a sigh comes out of my mouth without me even trying, which then, in turn, gets an annoyed look from JD. But I just can't help it.
And today has just been one of those go go go days, and I have been home for maybe an hour and now I am about to run out the door to a primary activity where I will have to assure every parent that even though my eyes are bloodshot and my nose is raw from all the blowing, I am NOT contagious, just destined to be sick for a quarter of the year.
I know its pretty lame to just complain, but its honestly all I feel like doing right now. Ugh and the worst part is that all the complaining doesn't make me feel any better in the slightest!

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Yard Sale KILLING

I am just so excited and JD was not showing proper enthusiasm, so I had to tell someone who would know just how awesome this is! I just went to a yard sale and got:
A pair of real Ugg Boots for Morgan
A pair of fake Ugg boots for a friend
4 dresses
2 skirts
1 pair of shorts
3 sets of pajamas
2 pair of jeans
1 sweatshirt
2 shirts
(all of which are either Old Navy, Gap, or Lucky Brand)
And the grand total?
13 bucks!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Finally FINAL Product

So, now that I have finally gotten the color basically how I want it... its about time to cut it all off again! Do any of you guys with short hair find yourself wanting to trim it after only like 3 weeks? Its crazy! But anyhow, here it is:

Hmm, I guess you can't really see much of a difference in these pictures, but its got black and red in it with the blonde now too.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I know its been a while since I have posted anything with pictures, and I'll be getting right on that soon, but not today! Morgan has just been saying the cutest things, she cracks me up! Here are just a few of her new sayings:
We were driving home from St. George and everytime we would pass a car we would hear this from the back seat:
Here come Morgan's car, BEEP BEEP!
This morning she came into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes, wearing her swimsuit (with her arm through the leg hole) and said:
Mom, go swimmin. Got mine swimmin soup!
(apparently suit is not in her vocabulary quite yet)
When we are at my parents house, Morgan is very vocal about how much she likes her Grandpa and Nanny more than her Mom and Dad. She was taking a bubble bath and my Mom was in the bathroom watching her, so I poked my head in and got an immediate:
Go way Mom! (go away mom)
So I was curious what she would say if I just stuck in my hand, or just any random body part. Well, this is what followed:
Go way hand!
Go way leg!
Go way bum!
And this one happened this morning, and it was just too cute. Morgan was walking in the kitchen and saw her reflection in the oven. Well, her hair was nuts from having pig tails all day yesterday and not washing her hair yet. So she says:
Ahhh! My hair! Mom, comb hair! My hair goss (gross)!
I am sure we are going to get more funny stuff coming out of this girl, but those ones just make me smile and remind me of why I have the best job in the world.

Monday, April 6, 2009


We have known for a while that my inlaws were likely to be coming to visit this week, which is great! BUT what is not great is that 2 weeks ago I worked a 60 hour work week, and last week I had a nasty cold (most likely brought on by the 60 hr work week) so this week my house is a MESS. And the worst part about the whole thing? That I am on here. That it is 10:20, and I have now checked my facebook twice and am now sitting here writing a pointless blog. Why? Because the house is SUCH a disaster I really don't want to do it. So I thought I would just give you all a heads up not to call Wednesday morning, because chances are, I will bite your head off seeing as how I will be frantically trying to clean three weeks worth of mess in 3 hours. Well, I can't really see any way of justifying spending anymore time on here, so I guess I better go look at pointless things I can't afford on Ebay. Haha, just kidding, although now that does sound like a good idea....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I just wanted to give everyone a quick update, I know there are a lot of you guys out there with unanswered questions.

For those of you who have somehow missed all my complaining and whining the last few days, I have just been super sick. I have never had a cold this bad, so I thought maybe it was allergies(I have never had allergies and figured I felt worse than I ever had before so it must be something new)

Usually when I whine about things JD just kind of ignores it and figures I just need to whine. Last night I noticed my vision going a little blurry, and didn't think he'd notice me complaining about it. But call it husband's intuition or something like that, because he (yes my never-a-good-reason-to-see-a-doctor husband) got really worried and asked if I thought I needed to make an appointment with a doctor for later this week. So we decided if I wasn't feeling better by Friday I would go in.

We didn't make it to Friday. We didn't even make it to Tuesday night! When I got up off the couch, I got so light headed I ended up fainting, and that was cause enough to take me to the ER.

So, for all of you that heard up to this point from my parents, we did go into the ER. After much poking and prodding (I hate needles) it turns out I have something called Adenovirus 14, believe it or not its common name is The Killer Cold. Its a very rare strand of a cold virus, that occurs only in women with O positive blood and RH negative enzymes (which apparently doesn't happen together very often but does in me, nice eh?)

So where do we go from here? We caught it early enough that they felt comfortable sending me home (plus we told them we don't have insurance so hospitilization is going to be a last resort) But I do have to go in for treatments twice a week. From what I understand, the treatments are basically just a super strong antibiotic administered by IV.

We appreciate all of your prayers, and I'll keep you all updated as much as possible.

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!