Friday, April 24, 2009

My Knight in Shining Armor

Before I go into the whole point of this post, I wanted to inform everybody I also posted a little something about Morgan just before this, and I know only the most recent posts show up in everyone's blogger update list thingy, so I am just telling everybody to check that one out too :)
And now, onto the cornyness:
I don't really know what has been my deal lately. I think I have just used these ridiculous allergies as an easy-out, and I have just been using them as my excuse for all the things I have let get out of control. And yes, while they make me miserable, I have just been in a funk. A real bad one.
My house has seriously gotten out of control, I feel like Primary has been a complete mudslide the last couple of months (with me at the bottom of the horrendous thing), and I hate to admit Morgan has had more TV time than Mom time. Oh man, and now here come the tears.
I am not going to go into too much detail about all the many things I feel like I have been neglecting, because that is not why I got on here today.
I didn't get on here to blog about all my little problems, there have been far too many of those posts on our blog recently. I got on here to blog about JD, and how much he really saves me sometimes.
This morning, I got up with the same attitude I've had everyday for the past month or so: There are a million things to be done, but its all past the point of help, so I just won't do any of it. Then,trying to muster some motivation, I started to clean up some of Morgan's toys (purposely avoiding the kitchen because it was the worst) and JD, I don't know if it was Heavenly Father just pushing him in the right direction as an answer to my unsaid prayers or if it just so happened that he really does know me a lot better than I give him credit for, but anyway, he walked right past me and my pathetic attempts to clean and went right to the dirty stuff. He did the dishes. He filed, shredded, and recycled all the mail and bills from the last month that I have just let stack up. He cleaned out our refrigerator. He did it all without complaining.
I cannot even begin to describe the difference a clean house has made in my mood. Its like somehow, he knew what would fix me. I give him a lot of crap for not showering me with compliments and running to recognize when I do something I should be doing anyway, but its his unsaid, quiet actions that show me what love really is.
Sometimes I wonder if Heavenly Father gives me these phases of my life to remind me that I'm not in charge, and sometimes I really do need help. Then I love the moment when I gain the sweet realization that Heavenly Father has also sent me the help I need, in the form of my wonderful, eternal, always-all-mine husband.


Alicia said...

Thats so great. Good for JD and good for you! I have days just like that and it is always nice when your eternal companion can read your mind and help you out!

RHulsey said...

that's sweet. good job JD

k-lo said...

I know exactly how you feel, I have been feeling it myself lately...maybe I need to take the next few days and clean out. But just so you know, I feel that right now Primary is the only thing running well that involves my children at church!!!!! We love the Eddys!

Jordan & Rhonda said...

Oh Brytani, you do have a sweet husband. Sorry you have been feeling down lately. Just remember we all feel that way sometimes so it's not just you and its okay to let your house get messy. It's normal life.

Brittany said...

Good Post Bryt. Don't you love that husbands know us better than we know ourselves....and on a much higher level the Lord knows us WAY better than we know ourselves. I'm sorry you've had a rough couple weeks. Hopefully things are getting better. Everybody has phases like yours. Mine lasts all winter long! :) Also...Morgan is so stinkin cute! Yep, i definitely wouldn't have picked the ROCKING horse....but I love that she did! ALSO...I kinda started crying when I was reading the post about her dental surgery. Brody had tubes put in his ears in January, which is very minor, but I experienced the same emotions. When the anesthesiologist took his hand and walked him down the hall away from me i cried. I was nervous and worried, but he also looked so cute and grown up. Well, in about two weeks he has to get his tonsils out and that's a much bigger thing than tubes. He has to stay the night at the hospital since he's so young and it's so much riskier!! YEAH What? "So much riskier"??? I already have anxiety. Wow, I'm rambling on about get the picture. Okay, really Good post-- Good job was what I meant to say!! :)

Unknown said...

Check out She has saved not only my house...but my marriage and alot more along the it's just fun :)