Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I just wanted to give everyone a quick update, I know there are a lot of you guys out there with unanswered questions.

For those of you who have somehow missed all my complaining and whining the last few days, I have just been super sick. I have never had a cold this bad, so I thought maybe it was allergies(I have never had allergies and figured I felt worse than I ever had before so it must be something new)

Usually when I whine about things JD just kind of ignores it and figures I just need to whine. Last night I noticed my vision going a little blurry, and didn't think he'd notice me complaining about it. But call it husband's intuition or something like that, because he (yes my never-a-good-reason-to-see-a-doctor husband) got really worried and asked if I thought I needed to make an appointment with a doctor for later this week. So we decided if I wasn't feeling better by Friday I would go in.

We didn't make it to Friday. We didn't even make it to Tuesday night! When I got up off the couch, I got so light headed I ended up fainting, and that was cause enough to take me to the ER.

So, for all of you that heard up to this point from my parents, we did go into the ER. After much poking and prodding (I hate needles) it turns out I have something called Adenovirus 14, believe it or not its common name is The Killer Cold. Its a very rare strand of a cold virus, that occurs only in women with O positive blood and RH negative enzymes (which apparently doesn't happen together very often but does in me, nice eh?)

So where do we go from here? We caught it early enough that they felt comfortable sending me home (plus we told them we don't have insurance so hospitilization is going to be a last resort) But I do have to go in for treatments twice a week. From what I understand, the treatments are basically just a super strong antibiotic administered by IV.

We appreciate all of your prayers, and I'll keep you all updated as much as possible.

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jenny said...

You are a good story-teller! I was totally believing all of this!

RHulsey said...

Man, I thought you were going to let people believe you until tomorrow. I was going to post a comment about how worried I was and make your story even more credible.

Alicia said...

You are soooo mean...I didn't even scroll down and I told Lynn all about your issue!!!!! Then I was going to make a comment...and now I find myself even more taken!!! But very funny!
P.S. Say know more-the file folder games will be on their way (as soon as I can get them done :))

RHulsey said...

Ha Ha! April Fooled you into thinking this was a real comment! HA!

Adam & Rachel said...

oh my are so bad!