Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just a Moment of Weakness

I have to admit I feel like my April Fool's Post has come back to bite me big time. The whole idea for the April Fool's thing came from the fact that at that point I really did have a terrible cold and thought it would rock to make light of it. Well, I have realized that the horrible hate-everything-about- it cold I had, which seriously is kicking my butt like nothing else, is allergies. Which I have to say is the worst news ever for several reasons.
First of all, NOTHING works. Zyrtec? Thumbs down. Claritin? Big thumbs down. Benadryl? Sure it works till I fall asleep standing up.
Secondly, I don't think anything has EVER put more stress on my marriage than my complete inability to do anything. Seriously, no one ever told me that allergies sap your energy right from your bones and then hit your house like a tornado. I can't help but whine, it seems like every time I stand up a sigh comes out of my mouth without me even trying, which then, in turn, gets an annoyed look from JD. But I just can't help it.
And today has just been one of those go go go days, and I have been home for maybe an hour and now I am about to run out the door to a primary activity where I will have to assure every parent that even though my eyes are bloodshot and my nose is raw from all the blowing, I am NOT contagious, just destined to be sick for a quarter of the year.
I know its pretty lame to just complain, but its honestly all I feel like doing right now. Ugh and the worst part is that all the complaining doesn't make me feel any better in the slightest!


RHulsey said...

I'm sorry pal :(

Alicia said...

I'm sorry!!!! Sometimes getting it out helps and sometimes is doesn't, but I hope you are feeling better and get a chance to breath alittle!
P.S. Hope you can find a tredmill

JEN B said...

Hi sweetie!! this is rhondas mom! i check up on you now and then and to see pics of your doll baby!! I TRULY know how you are suffering Bryt!! Jeff has been a sickie for 3 years now!! it sure makes every day life awful. Please tell JD i can vouch for you totally!! Jeff has to have shots b/c NOTHING works like you said. so get to a good allergist and see about shots. good luck! love ya girl! jennifer